
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

How to Tighten Chain on Greenworks Pole Saw?

How to Tighten Chain on Greenworks Pole Saw?

When it comes to pole saws, there is one brand that always seems to come up on top: Greenworks. This company makes some of the best pole saws on the market, and their products are known for their quality and durability. If you have a Greenworks pole saw, then you know how important it is to keep the chain tightened properly. This article will show you how to do just that!

Why is it important to adjust the chain tension?

If the chain is too loose, it can come off the bar while you’re using the saw. This is a very dangerous situation. If the chain is too tight, it can put unnecessary strain on the motor and shorten its life. The ideal tension is somewhere in between these two extremes.

Fortunately, adjusting the tension on a Greenworks pole saw is a relatively simple process. In most cases, you won’t need any special tools. Just follow these steps and you’ll have your saw running like new in no time [1].

Difference between good and bad tension

The first thing you need to know is the difference between good and bad tension. If the chain is too loose, it can come off of the bar while you’re using the saw. This is dangerous and can cause serious injury.

Difference between good and bad tension

On the other hand, if the chain is too tight, it will put unnecessary strain on the motor and can cause premature wear on the bearings. The ideal tension is when the chain just barely stays on the bar with a slight amount of slack.

To check the tension, simply lift the chain off of the bar and hold it up. The chain should sag about an inch or so from the weight of itself. If it sags any more than that, it’s too loose and needs to be tightened.

Conversely, if the chain doesn’t sag at all, it’s too tight and needs to be loosened slightly.

Safety precautions before adjusting the chain tension

There are some safety precautions you need to take before adjusting the chain tension. Make sure the saw is turned off and unplugged. Then remove the bar and chain from the saw. Finally, you can adjust the chain tension.

When adjusting the chain tension, it is important to wear gloves to protect your hands from getting injured. Make sure that there is no one else around when you are doing this, as it can be dangerous if someone else is nearby.

How should you adjust the chain tension?

The chain tension should be checked and adjusted periodically, especially as the saw starts to get some wear on it. The general rule is that the chain should have about an inch of play when you pull it tight. too much tension will cause the chain to come off while too little will cause it to skip teeth and not cut properly. If you’re unsure, it’s always best to err on the side of less tension.

How should you adjust the chain tension?

You’ll also want to check the depth of your cut. This is usually adjustable on most saws and you’ll want to consult your manual to see how to do this. In general, you’ll want the blade to be sticking out about a quarter inch past the bottom of the bar. This will ensure that you’re getting a good, deep cut.

Finally, make sure that your saw is properly lubricated. Most saws will have some sort of automatic oiling system, but it’s always a good idea to check before you start cutting. A well-oiled saw will run smoother and last longer.

Find the tension adjustment screw

The tension adjustment screw is usually close to the front of the saw and near the cutting bar. You can use a wrench or your fingers (depending on the model) to turn it clockwise to tighten or counterclockwise to loosen.

Loosen the guide bar nuts

To adjust the chain tension, you will need to loosen the guide bar nuts. These are located on either side of the guide bar and are usually labeled “L” and “R” for left and right. Use a wrench or your fingers (depending on the model) to loosen these nuts. Once you have loosened the guide bar nuts, you can adjust the chain tension by moving the guide bar forwards or backwards. To do this, simply grab the guide bar and move it to the desired position. Once you have adjusted the chain tension, make sure to retighten the guide bar nuts so that the guide bar doesn’t move during use.

Turn the adjustment screw

Once you have located and loosened the guide bar nuts, find the tension adjustment screw. This is usually located near the front of the saw near the cutting bar. Use a wrench or your fingers (depending on the model) to turn the tension adjustment screw clockwise to tighten or counterclockwise to loosen.

Turn the adjustment screw

As you turn the tension adjustment screw, the guide bar will start to move. Keep turning until the guide bar is tight against the chain (but don’t over-tighten!). Test the saw by pulling the trigger and letting it run for a few seconds. If the chain is still loose, repeat the process until it is tight.

Pull the chainsaw chain

Once you have adjusted the tension, it is a good idea to pull on the chainsaw chain to make sure that it is tight enough. The chain should be tight enough that it does not sag when you pull on it, but also not so tight that it is difficult to move. However, if your saw has an automatic tensioning system, simply follow the instructions in your owner’s manual for how to adjust tension [2].

Comparison of Methods for Tightening the Chain on Greenworks Pole Saw

This table presents a comparison of various methods for tightening the chain on a Greenworks Pole Saw. It includes data on the time required for each method, the ease of use, and the effectiveness of the tightening.

The table provides a comparison of three different methods for tightening the chain on a Greenworks Pole Saw. The first method involves using a wrench to manually adjust the tension, the second method utilizes a tool-free adjustment knob, and the third method requires the use of a separate tensioning tool. The table displays the time required for each method, the ease of use, and the effectiveness of the tightening.

Method Time Required Ease of Use Effectiveness
Wrench Adjustment 5-10 minutes Moderate Effective
Tool-Free Adjustment Knob 2-5 minutes Easy Moderate
Tensioning Tool 10-15 minutes Difficult Effective

The first row of the table shows that using a wrench to adjust the tension on a Greenworks Pole Saw takes between 5 and 10 minutes, which is moderate in terms of time required. The ease of use for this method is also moderate, but it is effective in tightening the chain.

The second row of the table shows that using the tool-free adjustment knob takes between 2 and 5 minutes, which is relatively quick. The ease of use for this method is easy, but the effectiveness of the tightening is only moderate.

The third row of the table shows that using a separate tensioning tool takes between 10 and 15 minutes, which is the longest time required of the three methods. The ease of use for this method is difficult, but it is effective in tightening the chain.

Overall, this table provides a quick comparison of the time required, ease of use, and effectiveness of different methods for tightening the chain on a Greenworks Pole Saw.


How do you tighten a chain on a pole saw?

The process for tightening a chain on a Greenworks pole saw is relatively simple. First, you’ll need to locate the tensioning knob near the base of the saw. Next, use an adjustable wrench to loosen the tensioning knob until the chain is loose. Finally, use your hands to tighten the chain around the bar, and then retighten the tensioning knob.

Why does my chain keep coming off my pole saw?

There are a few reasons why your chain might keep coming off your pole saw. First, the chain might be too loose. Make sure to check the tensioning knob and tighten it as needed. Additionally, the bar might be damaged or bent, which can cause the chain to come off. Inspect the bar for any damage and replace it if necessary. Finally, the sprocket could be damaged or worn down, which also causes the chain to come off. Inspect the sprocket for any damage and replace it if necessary.

How do you put a chain back on a Greenworks chainsaw?

If the chain has come off your Greenworks chainsaw, you’ll need to put it back on. First, locate the tensioning knob near the base of the saw. Next, use an adjustable wrench to loosen the tensioning knob until the chain is loose. Finally, use your hands to thread the chain around the bar and then retighten the tensioning knob.

How much tension should be on a pole chainsaw chain?

The amount of tension on your pole chainsaw chain will depend on the specific model of saw. However, in general, you’ll want to make sure that the chain is tight enough so that it doesn’t come off, but not so tight that it’s difficult to operate the saw.

Can a pole chainsaw chain be backward?

No, a pole chainsaw chain cannot be backward. The teeth on the chain are designed to work in only one direction. If you try to put the chain on backward, it will come off and could cause damage to the saw.

Why does my chain keep coming off my Greenworks chainsaw?

There are a few possible reasons why your Greenworks chainsaw chain may be coming off. The first is that the chain tension may not be set properly. To check this, loosen the bar nuts and adjust the tension screw until the chain is tight enough to stay on but loose enough for it to move freely.

Another possibility is that the chain itself might be worn out or damaged. If this is the case, you will need to replace it with a new one. Make sure to use a compatible chain for your model of chainsaw, as using an incompatible one can cause damage or even injury.

Finally, it could be that the bar and/or sprocket are worn out or damaged, in which case they also need to be replaced. If any of these components are damaged, it is best to take your chainsaw to a professional for repair or replacement.

How do you tighten an electric chainsaw chain?

Tightening an electric chainsaw chain is relatively straightforward. First, make sure the chain is properly lubricated and that the blade guard is in place. Then, locate the tensioning screw on the side of the saw near the chain. Turn it clockwise with a flathead screwdriver to tighten the chain until it’s snug against the bar. Finally, check to make sure that no more than ⅛ inch of slack remains between the bottom of the guide bar and the top of the chain, as too much tension can cause damage to your saw’s components. With these steps complete, your electric chainsaw should be ready to use safely and effectively.

How does a tension screw work on a chainsaw?

A tension screw on a chainsaw is used to adjust the tension of the chain. The tension of the chain needs to be adjusted periodically to ensure that it runs smoothly and safely. To adjust the tension, you must first loosen the tension screw, which is located near the front of the chainsaw. You can then use a flathead screwdriver or other tool to manually adjust how tight or loose the chain is. Once you have adjusted it to your desired level, you can then tighten the tension screw back up. It’s important that you don’t overtighten it, as this can cause damage to both your chainsaw and your chain.

Why can’t I tighten the chain on my chainsaw?

First, make sure that the chain is properly installed. If it’s not, the chain won’t be able to move freely and will be difficult to tighten. Next, check the tensioning screw on the side of the chainsaw. This should be adjusted so that it is tight enough to keep the chain taut but not so tight that it binds up. Lastly, inspect the bar for any signs of wear or damage. If there are any issues, you may need to replace the bar before attempting to tighten the chain.

Useful Video: Greenworks 8.5′ 40V Cordless Pole Saw


With a little practice, tightening the chain on your Greenworks pole saw will be a quick and easy task. This article has shown you how to do it step-by-step. If your chain is too loose, it can come off of the bar while you’re cutting. This is dangerous and can damage your saw. It’s important to check the tension of your chain before each use and tighten it if necessary. Follow these instructions and you’ll be able to keep your saw in good condition and avoid any accidents.


  1. https://www.firewood-for-life.com/chainsaw-chain-tension.html
  2. https://www.oregonproducts.com/en_ca/chain-tension